
Thread, Miyuki Dura-Line, gel-spun polyethylene, smoke, 0.12mm diameter, 12-pound test. Sold per 50-meter spool.

$14.60 $18.25

This highly durable braided beading thread, by the makers of Delica seed beads, is made from 100% gel-spun polyethylene--one of the strongest fibers-by-diameter ever created. The small 0.12mm diameter thread will pass easily through a #12 beading needle, m

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This highly durable braided beading thread, by the makers of Delica seed beads, is made from 100% gel-spun polyethylene–one of the strongest fibers-by-diameter ever created. The small 0.12mm diameter thread will pass easily through a #12 beading needle, making it ideal for projects requiring extra strength or multiple passes through beads with narrow stringing holes. Dura-Line has an impressive 12-pound test, does not stretch, knots easily and comes pre-coated for added fray resistance.


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