
Drop, Crystal Passions, Siam, 15×7.5mm faceted teardrop pendant (6000). Sold per pkg of 24.

$26.72 $33.40

Red is the color of passion, intensity and boldness, all of which impeccably encapsulate Crystal Passions' siam hue. This rich crimson tone has fiery flashes of crystal sparkle that take red to outstanding new heights of color and vivacity.Elegant teardrop

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Red is the color of passion, intensity and boldness, all of which impeccably encapsulate Crystal Passions’ siam hue. This rich crimson tone has fiery flashes of crystal sparkle that take red to outstanding new heights of color and vivacity.

Elegant teardrops have renowned precision faceting, giving designs the ultimate flash. Designed with a beveled hole and rich red color.

Hole size and placement may vary slightly.

Made in Austria.


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